Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Configure the Datasource

Configure the datasource if your database configuration is different from the datasource specifications in the reference xfm schema. The process assumes that the product was installed with SQL Server as the default environment. Installing with SQL Server as default configures the SQL Server Spatial workspace.

To create a shortcut to GeoSpatial Administrator (GSA) :

Note: A shortcut ensures you start GSA with the correct parameters.
  1. Copy the default GSA short cut to your desktop.
  2. Right-click on the short and select rename.
  3. Enter a new name for the short cut.
  4. Right-click on the short cut and select properties. The Properties dialog opens.
  5. Add the command line start options -expand=true and -register_fullname, e.g., "C:\Program Files\Bentley\UtilitiesDesigner\Map\bin\GeospatialAdmin.exe" -expand=false -register_fullname.
  6. Click the Apply button
  7. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog.

To update the datasource for the reference SQL Server XFM schema :

  1. Start GSA.
  2. Open BUD_SSS2T.xml. The xfm schema files is typically found in the DataModel\BentleyUD folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\UtilitiesDesigner\UtilitiesDesigner\DataModel\BentleyUD.
  3. Navigate to the Graphical Sources>SQL Server Spatial Connection>Named Connection (BudSpatial) entry.
  4. Update the Host and Database entries.
  5. Click the Apply button.
  6. Right-Click on Graphical Sources>SQL Server Spatial Connection>Named Connection (BudSpatial). A popup menu appears.
  7. Select "Test Connection" in the popup menu. The Test Connection dialog appears.
  8. Select Use Windows Integrated Authenication.
  9. Click the Test button. A message box should display declaring "Connection Successful".
  10. Click OK in the message box.
  11. Click OK in the Test Connection dialog.
  12. Click the Save command.
  13. Click the Export command.
  14. Exit GSA.